Who Will Fuel the Next Bull Market in Stocks and Gold, Trump or Clinton?

By Mark Skousen
Editor, Forecasts & Strategies and Producer of FreedomFest

The future of the stock market and precious metals (and the United States of America), is a “YUGE debate today,” as Donald Trump might say.

Donald Trump wants to “make America great again,” and restore its solid economic growth rate to 3-4%. It’s now flat and teetering on a recession. On the positive side, Trump favors supply-side tax cuts we have not enjoyed in ten years and wants to lower the corporate income tax rate to 15%. (Obama raised the rates on both income and capital gains).

However, Trump also wants to impose high tariffs and other restrictions on foreign trade, which, as most economists say, will hurt consumers and raise prices. Such protectionist measures would hurt economic growth, and create animosity between the United States, Mexico, China and other countries.

If Hillary were Bill Clinton, the economy would boom if the Democrats won the White House. Unfortunately, Hillary is no Bill Clinton. In fact, she wants to raise taxes on the rich and successful, the entrepreneurs of this nation. While she is better on trade and foreign relations than Donald Trump, I don’t see strong economic growth under her leadership.

Overall, I see a weak U.S. dollar under both Trump and Clinton, which is bullish for precious metals. So I would be a big buyer of gold, silver and mining companies.

We’re going to debate this issue in depth at this year’s FreedomFest, “the world’s largest gathering of free minds.”

Skousen Trump F

“FreedomFest is going to be YUGE! Be there or be square!” – Donald Trump

I’ve met Donald Trump several times, and no time was bigger than at FreedomFest. In fact, I would say Trump’s campaign really got started last July in Las Vegas. Back then, Trump was in trouble with his fledgling campaign. After his unrehearsed remarks about Mexicans, he was fired by NBC, Macy’s dropped him, and Univision attacked him. His poll numbers were down.

Then he agreed to appear before 2,500 wealthy investors and concerned citizens at my big show in Las Vegas. He spoke to a SRO audience between July 7-11 in Vegas. It was his lucky day. His poll numbers rose sharply right after, and he never looked back.

Why did Trump decide to come to FreedomFest?

Steve Forbes, Chairman of Forbes Inc., said it best: “FreedomFest is where the best ideas and policies are flushed out. I attend all 3 days and wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

What’s FreedomFest all about? Everything! Philosophy, history, science & technology, healthy living, politics and your money, and much, much more. It’s a Renaissance gathering in the entertainment capital of the world.

Once a year in July, all the freedom lovers of the world gather in Las Vegas for FreedomFest, what the Washington Post calls “the greatest libertarian show on earth.”

Steve Forbes and John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, attend all 3 days. Last July, over 2,500 people showed up to learn, network and celebrate liberty--including Donald Trump, Senator Marco Rubio, Steve Wynn, and Glenn Beck. Steve Moore even debated Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize economist and columnist at the New York Times. Everywhere, there were billionaires, celebrities and famous authors. (Want a summary? Watch the 5-minute video at http://www.freedomfest.com/videos).

Who’s coming this year? This year's keynote speakers include Senator Rand Paul, radio host Larry Elder, Judge Andrew Napolitano, TV host Kennedy from Fox Business, Charles Koch’s right-hand man Richard Fink, authors George Gilder and Steve Moore, and the former Heavyweight Champion of the World, George Foreman.

In fact, we are holding a special reception with George Foreman, where attendees will get a chance to meet him, take photographs and have him sign a copy of his book, “Knockout Entrepreneur.” (He sold his grill business for $138 million.)

Plus, we will be debating the question, “Trump, Pro and Con: The YUGE Debate.” It will feature Wayne Allyn Root (author of “Relentless”) and Dan Mangru “Pro Trump” versus Jeffrey Tucker (Liberty.me) and Matt Welch (Reason magazine) as “Anti-Trump.”

Other features include the ever-popular mock trial - as we put “Global Warming on Trial”… Grover Norquist (CNN considers him “the most powerful man in Washington”) will hold his famous “Wednesday Meeting” at FreedomFest … a special session by the ”Women of Liberty”… a debate on voting with actor/activist Ed Asner and political commentator John Fund… a 3-day investment conference with Peter Schiff, Alex Green, Rich Checkan, and yours truly… a debate between Dinesh D’Souza and Michael Shermer (Scientific American) on the Bible… and win $25,000 in prizes in the Pitch Tank organized by Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington.

You can join all the freedom organizations and think tanks – Cato, Heritage, Reason, Students for Liberty, Americans for Prosperity, and more. They are all there in a gigantic exhibit hall, the “Trade Show for Liberty.”

Plus, the ever-popular Anthem film festival, run by my sweet wife, Jo Ann. This year, one of the films will be shown by the producer of Schindler’s List.

Oscar Goodman, former mayor of Las Vegas, calls it an “intellectual feast” in Las Vegas – one of a kind!

Now is the time to join me at FreedomFest, July 13-16, at Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas. Go to http://freedomfest.com/ff16assets/, or call toll-free 1-855-850-3733, and save $100 by using this special code for subscribers of this report.

FreedomFest is only two months away--July 13-16, Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas. Let’s roll!

Fly there. Drive there. Bike there. Be there!

Good investing, AEIOU,
Mark Skousen

Editor’s Note: Knowing the election will be gearing up to full swing by the time FreedomFest rolls around, we asked Mark to tease us with some insights into what we might expect with either a Clinton or a Trump victory this November. To get a much more in-depth take on those possibilities, I would suggest attending this year’s FreedomFest.

Michael and I always attend, and we were there last year as Donald Trump splashed onto the scene.

We look forward to seeing you there, and we encourage you to attend as many briefings and debates as possible – to include the Alternative Investing Panel with yours truly.

In addition, I ask you to seriously consider making a donation to Students for Liberty. Michael and I did last year, and we doubled our contribution this year in order to allow more freedom-seeking students to attend this excellent event. When we met the students who benefited from last year’s contribution, we knew our money was well-spent. If you do decide to donate, make sure you add in the comments "this is for additional students to attend FreedomFest."

Please consider sponsoring some Students for Liberty here.

Michael and I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas in July!

--Rich Checkan