Palladium Prices Go Platinum

In an incredible rise to the top, palladium prices surpassed those of its sister metal, platinum, for the first time in 16 years! Palladium has seen enormous growth in 2017, posting massive gains of roughly 36% year-to-date, surpassing all major traditional investments! In contrast, platinum prices have taken a particularly strong beating in the past few years compared to both gold and palladium. Just take a look at how the two metals have fared in recent years…

  1. Gold overtakes platinum. In the roughly 40 years before 2014, platinum was typically priced around $100 to $200 per ounce more than gold. However, since 2016, it has been trending around $360 per ounce less than gold. Considering 10 times more gold is mined each year, this is a tremendous discount!
  2. Energy efficient vehicles on the rise. Many believe platinum’s falling out is largely due to the switch to petrol engines and the growing popularity of hybrid electric vehicles, both of which employ palladium. Both metals are commonly used in the catalytic converters of automobiles; however, platinum has typically been used in diesel cars. Since Volkswagen came under pressure in 2015 for emissions-rigging, diesel cars have taken a major hit, and therefore, so has platinum.
  3. Platinum and palladium in a long-term parity? Some experts believe that this recent price parity could turn into a long-term trend. Due to palladium’s strength in the Chinese auto sector, demand has reached some of its highest levels in 2017 and is expected to continue to do well.

2017: The Year of Firsts

In the past 30 plus years, palladium prices have only surpassed those of platinum once in 2001 and again this week. Historically, platinum has been valued as a metal rarer than gold—and its price has reflected that, until recently. Furthermore, up until the past four years or so, platinum prices have been at least double or more than palladium.

For the first time in many years, this may be the ideal time to invest in both metals. Whereas platinum is currently significantly undervalued, palladium appears to be in a bull market that will likely continue in the coming years.

This event also coincides with the release of the limited-mintage 1-ounce palladium American Eagle. This is the first ever palladium coin released by the U.S. Mint and the first time it has released a new American Eagle bullion coin in 20 years! According to U.S. Mint figures, only 15,000 of these Eagles were produced for this release. Moreover, the Mint has not confirmed whether or not it will be releasing more in the future. These coins just opened up for pre-sale last week, and we’ve already had enormous demand for them. The coins are expected to sell out even before they leave the Mint!

2017 1-ounce Palladium American Eagle

PAMP Suisse 1-ounce Platinum Bars

You can now lock in limited-mintage palladium American Eagles for as low as Spot + 12% per ounce*. Additionally, you can take advantage of platinum’s incredible discount with PAMP Suisse 1-ounce bars for as low as Spot + $60 per bar*. To add these two sister metals to your portfolio, please call us at 800-831-0007 or email us.

*Prices subject to change based on market fluctuation and product availability. Prices reflected are for cash, check, or bank wire. 1-ounce palladium American Eagles will be released on October 6, 2017, and are expected to ship in early October. “As low as” price on 1-ounce palladium American Eagles is for purchases of 10 coins or more. Offer expires Friday, October 6, 2017.