FED Interest Rate Decision Day - Your Antidote for Market Uncertainty
By Rich Checkan
I’m going to keep this short and sweet. And, in the end, I’m going to ask you to do two things to protect yourself and your portfolio.
Today, Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve will do one of two things… raise rates… or not.
The uncertainty in the markets as a result of this much anticipated FED decision has been massive. And, I am certain of one thing. Once their decision is made public, regardless of what they choose to do, uncertainty will remain alive and well across financial markets worldwide.
All the FED really has to work with in its arsenal is words. They are out of bullets… and they have been for some time.
We heard from Alan Greenspan a little over a year ago in New Orleans when he said, as a result of the unprecedented monetary expansion since the 2008-2009 financial crisis, the very smart economists at the Federal Reserve have no idea how to unwind it all. They are in uncharted waters. Nobody knows how this will play out.
And, with interest rates as low as they are, the FED is caught in a ‘damned if you do… damned if you don’t’ scenario. They desperately want to raise rates. If they do, they increase the debt service on a massive debt bubble of their own creation.
No matter what decision is made today, certainty (the financial market’s best friend) will not be restored.
So, my suggestion is to seek alternative answers from those espoused by the mainstream press…
Join me in Las Vegas for the Stansberry Las Vegas Conference October 12th and 13th. Listen to a wide variety of speakers with fresh ideas on how to make money and how to Keep What’s Yours once you’ve made it in these uncertain times.
Space is extremely limited. Porter Stansberry and his team have room for 600 attendees. They already have 500 people signed up to attend.
To read more about what’s in store for you in Las Vegas and to register to attend, follow this link.
This is the first of the two things I am asking you to do.
This is a short format conference with a high-powered group of presenters. I am proud to be presenting alongside the likes of Dr. Ron Paul, Porter Stansberry, Steve Sjuggerud, Doc Eifrig, Mick Ebeling, Tucker Max, Joshua Foer and Penn Jillette.
I’m certain you will leave with a few ideas on how to protect your hard-earned wealth despite the action – or inaction – of the FED. It seems the only thing the FED is better at than creating money out of thin air is the creation of destabilizing uncertainty in the financial markets.
The Stansberry Las Vegas Conference is your antidote.
Now, my second request…
Once you register to join me in Las Vegas, set aside Monday evening, October 12th.
ASI has put together a special treat for a small group of attendees. You need to be one of the first 50 people to sign-up. But, if you are successful, you will be glad you did.
We have arranged for a separate, intimate presentation by our good friend, Wayne Allyn Root.
We’ve asked Wayne to deliver a motivational talk for a select group of 50 attendees. I have heard Wayne speak on multiple occasions. Trust me, it is not possible to overhype the experience. Wayne embodies motivation.
There is a $50 cost to attend.
Over heavy hors d'oeuvres and an open bar, Wayne will no doubt deliver one of the highlights of the trip for the select few who get to hear him speak. In the end, you will understand why his latest book, The Power of Relentless, was just ranked the #1 bestselling business book in America by CEO-READ.
And, each of you who attend will leave with a personally autographed copy of that bestselling book.
Sign up here for this unique, highly-motivational experience.
In a few short hours, Janet Yellen will speak… and nothing will change.
Take the bull by its horns. Take advantage of the two steps I suggest above, and add some certainty in your life. But you better act now. Both opportunities will reach capacity before you know it.
See you in Vegas…