Four Opportunities for Your Future: Good Advice Meets Forward Thinking
By Rich Checkan
I just returned from Vancouver where I attended the Sprott/Stansberry Natural Resource Symposium, a convocation of the world’s leading specialists on gold and natural resources — including top CEOs, hedge fund managers, mining and exploration experts, and head honchos from the most successful resource companies in the world.
I can tell you firsthand the prevailing sentiment of attendees and presenters alike was fear and uncertainty about our future.
Nonetheless, despite the beaten down mood, everyone was anxious to Learn the Truth. Folks like us can all ‘Take the Truth’ and still be stirred to action.
Real and important concerns are about to percolate to the surface. Here are my top concerns followed by four ways to take action.
The Bad News
- Chinese Stocks – Chinese stocks fell 40%. That’s $3.2 trillion worth of wealth obliterated in less than a month.
- The Yuan as Reserve Currency - In September, the Yuan may be designated a reserve currency by the IMF, putting major pressure on the U.S. dollar.
- The Yuan Devaluation – Of course, yuan reserve status will only occur if they get their act together. The Chinese government's rare step of devaluing its currency cascaded across Asia and the world over the past week.
Debt Dominoes:
- Cyprus, Puerto Rico, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France may follow Greece.
- China and the United States are cause for long-term concern.
Domestic Issues:
- U.S. Stocks– Many believe…at 6 years of bullishness…we are on borrowed time.
- Interest Rates – The Fed has no bullets left to fire, so they are almost forced to end the equity market friendly monetary policy and begin raising rates.
- The Recovery – There are jobs, but no security. This is not your father’s recovery.
Now for the Good News
Your financial decisions must be reasonable and easy to follow. Fortunately, there are opportunities starting now (and through October) for you to become fully educated.
Here are four important resources you can tap into for the important information you need. I will be present at all of these events, along with other representatives from ASI:
1. Sprott/Stansberry Natural Resource Symposium Post Event Publication
July's Symposium produced a wealth of knowledge and insight. There is a post event publication of the videos and audios of all of the presentations, available now.
You will hear the Truth, exactly as I did, from giants of the industry including Rick Rule, Bill Bonner, Steve Sjuggerud, Doug Casey and many others.
Attendees paid upwards of $1,200 to be there. For you, the cost is only $249. Plus, your purchase of this post event package entitles you to a discount of $100 for next year's event. Order yours today.
2. Stansberry Las Vegas Conference - October 12-13
Enjoy two incredible days of fantastic speakers and brilliant ideas... great food, informative presentations, and of course, tons of great ideas delivered in short, tight presentations, which can actually change your life. (Keynote by Ron Paul, insights by Porter Stansberry, Steve Sjuggerud, Doc Eifrig and many more, including yours truly, plus the incomparable Penn Gillette).
ASI will present a special opportunity to attend a motivational event with speaker Wayne Allyn Root. (Register your interest in attending now to reserve your spot Attendance will be limited, but every attendee will receive an autographed copy of Wayne's latest book, The Power of Relentlessness.
3. Doug Casey Summit - Tucson, AZ - October 16-18
This much anticipated annual gathering features everything about the beleaguered natural resource market and how to profit from it. Meet Doug Casey and the world’s sharpest financial minds, including James Altucher, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, and Raoul Pal. Learn their secrets and pick their brains about the next exciting investment opportunities. Its two full days with these investors and the entire Casey brain trust, including Louis James, Nick Giambruno, E.B. Tucker, Bud Conrad and, of course, yours truly.
4. New Orleans Investment Conference - October 28-31
For over four decades, there's been only one sure thing in investing, the great New Orleans Investment Conference. Started by legendary Jim Blanchard over 40 years ago, this is the granddaddy of investment conferences. ASI never misses this and will have an important presence this year. Last year you heard from Mark Faber, Alan Greenspan and Porter Stansberry in debate. This year's lineup includes these 'household' names: Krauthammer, Steyn, Kass, Faber, Schiff, Gartman, Rickards, Casey and more. It will be no holds barred!
Attend, Pay Attention, Learn and Act
There are no excuses. Grab your tapes from Vancouver, and join ASI at one, two, or all three of these events for enough information to ease your fears and insure your future. All are wonderful first steps toward Keeping What’s Yours!
See you there.